Sunday, 4 September 2011

My 1st attempt!!

Let me start with a disclaimer. I don't want to offend any of my friends or relatives or readers who are married. Whatever I would write is my own experiences and I would be very grateful if readers would like to give their take on it....Till then all the best to me :)

I am 28-year old single and maybe not the right person to say something good or bad about marriage. But, it seems I just couldn't stop myself from doing it. I would like to explore the reasons why people marry and why some of them pass with flying colors and some fail terribly.

Why do humans marry? Is it because we are social animals and need company at every phase in our life or is it just because its just another social institution which is being followed through time immemorial? If its an institution which everybody is supposed to follow then there wouldn't have been bachelors or spinsters. But then everybody is not the same. Every human is different in his or her own special way and they have their freedom to choose their way of life. However accepting that everybody is different and asserting individual freedom, there are still so many of us out there who rarely get a chance to make their own decisions and have to accept what the society says us to do. I feel its the same with marriage too and wish every individual had more say into this whole process. Maybe some of us are unable to make major decisions in our life and society and family helps them to set some ground rules or guidelines to conduct their lives.

What about the others who actually choose to get married because they want a company for the rest of their lives? Why do we need company? To reduce uncertainty in lives, feeling of security that we are not helpless or alone. Well, this could be the most primitive sort of reasons I could think of .There could be so many other things too. ?

Is it so difficult to live alone? Isn't the only truth in life saying that we were all born alone and we would all die alone. Life moves on without you or me. Then why can't we?

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